Author: Riley Rodgers

Important Changes to the West Virginia Rules of Civil Procedure

by Riley Rodgers Riley Rodgers

The West Virginia Civil Rules Committee, in conjunction with the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals, have made the first major changes to the West Virginia Rules of Civil Procedure since 1998. These rule changes — which go into effect on January 1, 2025 — were put into place to update the structure and clarify content. Many of the rules were completely reorganized to enhance readability and citation, but did not change the rule’s substance. However, some substantive changes to the rules will affect our practice. Read more

Change to the West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act

by Riley Rodgers Riley Rodgers

By Riley Rodgers

The West Virginia General Assembly recently enacted positive changes to the West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act (WVCCPA). The new amendment requires a consumer to notify the creditor of an alleged violation and permit the creditor a chance to correct before any action may be brought pursuant to the WVCCPA. Further, there are now codified factors the court must examine in awarding any attorney fees. Highlights of the newly enacted changes are summarized as follows: Read more